Monday, July 26, 2010

Keeping busy! (Just not with this blog...)

This summer is just flying by. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but my calendar keeps insisting that next week is AUGUST! Already?!?! Big changes are coming in September with C going to kindergarten and O starting preschool, and I don't want to get there yet.

Our summer has been fun, if a bit lazy. The boys started a month's worth of daily swimming lessons, so most of our days consist of a leisurely morning at home, swim lessons, home for lunch, and then a leisurely afternoon at home, or the occasional return to the pool for more swimming fun. After a tearful first 3 days, O discovered that "I love swimming, Mommy!" Thank goodness!

We have fit in a few other things, and are having fun checking off our Summer Adventures List.
  1. Move (yikes!)
  2. Explore all of the playgrounds in our new neighborhood
  3. Take a family vacation
  4. Swimming lessons
  5. Join the library's summer reading program and read, read, read
  6. Go Strawberry Picking
  7. Go Blueberry Picking
  8. Go on a Treasure Hunt in the Woods
  9. Have a beach day
  10. Go to a minor league baseball game
  11. Go to a local racetrack and see a real car race
  12. Play Minigolf
  13. Bowling
  14. Go for a hike
  15. Visit local Children's Museum
  16. Visit local Science Museum
  17. Visit local Aquarium
  18. Go to preseason football game
  19. Visit Gramma and Grampa
  20. Visit the local farm
  21. Visit Zoo
  22. Host BBQ 
 We still have quite a few things we want to accomplish, so we'd better get moving!

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