Tuesday, February 2, 2010

50 books in 2010--update!

The boys' Gramma has been visiting for a few days, and I've taken full advantage of having someone else around to entertain the boys for a change! I squeezed in a long overdue doctor's appointment for myself, and was also able to read 2 books, bringing my grand total to 3 books read so far this year. Not bad for a week's work, and necessary to catch up since I started this challenge almost a month into the New Year. I've really enjoyed all the discussions that this challenge has sparked among my local and online friends. They've been providing wonderful suggestions, and several have taken up the challenge too. One great suggestion was "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. I read the whole book yesterday (staying up waaaay too late to finish it!) and I can't wait to read the sequel! After that there will be only 46 books to go. Keep the suggestions coming since I'll need a lot of them!

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